Пакеты услуг Битрикс-хостинга для юридических лиц и индивидуальных предпринимателей | Белтелеком

Changing colors

With Wix, you can easily change the color of your fonts in the text settings box, but it’s just as easy to change the color of other elements, like backgrounds of columns. You can use a solid color background using the color picker as demonstrated in the screenshot below.

Wix pre-defines complementary color palettes to match your theme, but you can change the color palette easily using the “change your site colors” option. You can also add your own colors to match your branding.

Changing fonts

Changing the fonts on your Wix website is simply a matter of clicking on the text you want to change and hitting the Edit Text button. You can edit each text box separately or use the Save Theme option to apply your font changes across your whole website.

In Wix, you can choose different fonts for different text types – for instance, you can choose one font for Heading 5 to use as your main headings and another font for Heading 6 which controls the sub-headings (in the template I’m demonstrating with below). You can have a different font for paragraph styles, if you like.

Some website builders only allow you to change the font styles for the whole website, rather than for individual headings. But in general, I’d recommend you keep a consistent style throughout your website anyway.

You don’t need to have a logo before you start building your website, but a logo does make your website look more professional and can help build your brand.

Your logo says a lot about you, so it’s important to take time to get it right. There are design trends to take into consideration – for instance, have you thought about the impact your color scheme can have on your target audience? Read more about the latest logo statistics from the Fortune 500 list to explore this further.

Grow your audience with email marketing

Email marketing is one of the best ways to grow your audience – and there are lots of tools to help you succeed with your marketing efforts.

Moving elements around on your pages

With a drag-and-drop editor like Wix, rearranging the content on your web pages is really a matter of, well, dragging it from one place to another. The same is true of other drag-and-drop editors, while other editors may offer an up/down button method of moving sections around on your web pages.

One great feature in Wix is the Zoom Out and Reorder function. This allows you to view your whole web page and easily move sections and/or elements around on the page. The screen recording below shows how easy it is to move content using this tool.

6. Add your own content

Adding your own content is really just a matter of replacing the “placeholder” text and images in your website template with your own text and images. It’s really easy, but if you have a lot of content, it may take some time!

If you don’t have your own images, most website builders offer some kind of image bank that allows you to instantly add free images to your site.

How to add textYou can add new text sections to your web pages in just a few clicks. In Wix, you use the Add tool in the toolbar on the left and then select Text in the pop-out menu.

If you want to set up your text areas all at once and then go back and add your content, you can use the free Lorem Ipsum Generator to create placeholder text to use until you’re ready to add your own text.

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How to add an imageLike adding text to your website, adding images is incredibly easy. In Wix, open the Add menu, select Image (directly below Text), and choose from the range of image sources. You can upload your own images, use free Wix images and illustrations, search the database of Unsplash images, or choose premium stock images from Shutterstock (for an added fee). Then you just place the image wherever you want it on your page.

You can also use the Add Image tool to add a logo to your website. I’ve got some advice about logos further on in this article.

If you’re using free Wix or Unsplash images, these may be already optimized – meaning, they’ve been compressed for smaller file size, so they won’t slow your website down. If you’re using your own images, however, it’s a good idea to reduce the file sizes before you upload them. That’s easy to do with a free tool such as Image Compressor.

Optimizing your site

Even if you build a fabulous website, it’s not going to show up on the first page of search engine results pages (SERPs) without some optimization. Optimizing your website involves search engine optimization (SEO), analyzing your traffic, and understanding what your audience is looking for.

For SEO, there are some great tools that you can use to make optimization easier. One of the best tools available is SEMrush (check out our Guide to SEMrush to find out more), but there are other options if SEMrush is out of your budget. We’ve reviewed some of the best SEO Tools to help you choose the right one.

Creating the right content for your website might seem like a challenge, but by using analytics tools to find out more about your audience (where they live, their age, their gender, and so on), you can tailor your content better. Read our Guide to Google Analytics to see how to get the most out of analytics tools.

Option 1: using a website builder

Website builders make it super easy to build a website. These online tools require no coding or technical skills, and they’re particularly aimed at beginners – although web developers often use them, too!

You can use a website builder to create a website that looks great, in a matter of hours – or even minutes, in some cases. Most website builders are budget-friendly, and many of them offer free plans or free trials, so you don’t even have to enter your credit card details to get started.

Website builders come with pre-designed templates that set the style, layout, and color scheme of your site. All you have to do is pick one and add your own content and images. 

Different builders offer different methods of building and editing your site. I personally prefer drag-and-drop editing, as it gives you more control over the layout. You can position elements wherever you like, or add new elements by simply dragging them into place.

Some builders offer a selection of apps to choose from. This is an easy way to add functionality to your site – you can have a newsletter, an appointment booking system, a live chat box, or pretty much anything else you can imagine, usually at no added cost.

There are plenty of website builders out there, although some are much better than others. My personal favorite is Wix, as it offers hundreds of templates and great flexibility, with lots of free (and paid) apps. Check out our guide to the best website builders for some other excellent choices.

Option 2: using wordpress

Website builders are absolutely the easiest way to get your website online, but they can be a little more expensive than using WordPress with a web hosting plan. If you’re looking for a budget-friendly option and you don’t mind a slightly more technical site-building process, then WordPress is a great option that will give you a lot of flexibility.

Step-by-step guide

1. Choose a hosting plan

Although WordPress itself is 100% free, to make your website available online, you’ll have to sign up for web hosting (unlike with website builders, that provide hosting with their plans). For expert advice, you can check out our shortlist of the best web hosts.

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There are lots of web hosting options available – but there are some that come with our experts’ stamp of approval.

When you’re choosing a host for your WordPress website, there are some features you should look for:

2. Choose a domain name

The process of choosing your domain name is pretty much the same as for website builders. Some web hosts include free domain names with annual plans, but not all do. If you choose a host that doesn’t offer a free domain name, it may be cheaper to buy your domain name from a third party rather than via your web host, as you can pick up a domain name for as little as $1 on some domain marketplaces.

3. Use a one-click installer to install WordPress

Some hosting plans come with WordPress pre-installed. If your plan doesn’t, don’t panic – you can use the one-click installer provided by your host.

Taking your website to the next level

Now you’ve built your website, it’s time to get it noticed. In my experience, you’re never completely finished with building a website, since you can always keep updating it, changing things and making it better. You want people to start visiting your website and there are a number of things that you can do to grow your audience and give your site visitors a better experience.

Using a website builder: step-by-step guide

1. Decide what kind of website you want to build

With a website builder, you can create pretty much any type of website you can imagine. You may want to create a personal website, a blog, an online portfolio, or a resumé/CV. You can create a website for your business, or build an online store to sell your products or services.

Of course, a website doesn’t have to have a single purpose. For instance, you might want to create a website for your business that also has a portfolio of your work and an online store. With the right website builder, the possibilities are endless.

2. Choose the right website builder for your needs

Some website builders specialize in certain aspects of site building, so you need to know that the builder you choose offers everything you need. For example, while most builders will let you have an online store on your website, a builder like Shopify is specifically designed for e-commerce. On the other hand, its general-purpose features, such as blogging, are very limited.

The most flexible website builder is Wix, as it can do anything! It has excellent e-commerce features, tons of apps, and its drag-and-drop editor gives you complete control over how your website looks. It’s our no.1 recommendation, and I’ll be using it to demonstrate the steps to building your website in this guide. Most website builders have a similar site-building process.

3. Choose a plan

Most website builders have a free plan, or at least a free trial period. If you’re just getting started with your website, or if your budget is tight, a free plan can be the best solution. Free plans give you the chance to try out a website builder without investing upfront, and you don’t lose any money if you decide it’s not for you.

Виртуальный хостинг | цод белтелеком

Виртуальный хостинг позволяет использовать преимущества технологий для размещения небольших проектов с простым управлением услугой. Все данные пользователя размещаются на скоростных SSD дисках.

Ваш сайт будет размещаться на одном физическом сервере вместе с некоторым числом сайтов других абонентов, полностью изолированных друг от друга благодаря специализированной отказоустойчивой операционной системе CloudLinux.

Виртуальный хостинг сайтов на SSD дисках — это хороший баланс между недорогой ценой и широкими техническими возможностями.

Защищенный хостинг | цод белтелеком

РУП «Белтелеком» является одним из ведущих уполномоченных поставщиков услуг защищенного хостинга для государственных органов и организаций, а также коммерческих компаний, имеющих повышенные требования к уровню безопасности своих информационных ресурсов.

В 2021 году на хостинг-площадке для размещения информационных ресурсов ЦОД РУП «Белтелеком» обновлены средства защиты информации. Это позволило получить аттестат соответствия системы защиты по классу 3-фл, 3-юл (соответствие всем требованиям по защите информации, предусмотренным Положением о порядке технической защиты информации в информационных системах, предназначенных для обработки информации, распространение и(или) предоставление которой ограничено, не отнесенной к государственным секретам, утвержденным приказом Оперативно-аналитического центра при Президенте Республики Беларусь от 30.08.2022 № 62, приказами ОАЦ от 11.10.2022 № 64, от 20.02.2020 № 66).

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Коммерческие организации наряду с государственными могут воспользоваться услугой по защите сетевой информации, реализованной на базе обновленной системы.

Пакеты услуг битрикс-хостинга для юридических лиц и индивидуальных предпринимателей | белтелеком

Bitrix – это система управления контентом, имеющая функциональный и понятный интерфейс, позволяющий решать большинство задач по администрированию сайта.

Пакеты Битрикс-хостинга являются промежуточным решением между VPS-сервером и виртуальным хостингом. Это специализированная настроенная платформа с изолированной программной средой, а также гарантированным объёмом памяти, вычислительных ресурсов, отдельной операционной системой, выделенным IP-адресом и автоматической установкой любой редакции 1C-Битрикс через удобный веб-интерфейс с предустановленным набором необходимого программного обеспечения для работы.

Для получения услуги Вам требуется наличие лицензионного ключа, купленной Вами редакции Битрикс (в Беларуси лицензионный ключ можно приобрести у официальных партнеров российской компании «1С-Битрикс»).

Сервис каждого из пакетов предусматривает:

  1. неограниченный внешний и внутриреспубликанский трафик
  2. доступ root
  3. ежедневное резервное копирование (с хранением информации до 6 дней)
  4. 1 выделенный IP-адрес
  5. количество почтовых ящиков, количество размещаемых сайтов и баз данных в пределах приобретенной Вами редакции Битрикс

Тарифы и поддержка

Планы виртуального хостинга “Белтелекома” дешевые по сравнению с другими белорусскими провайдерами, можно сэкономить, подписавшись на VPS на ежегодной, а не ежемесячной основе. DDoS-защиту можно приобрести за дополнительную плату.

Вы можете связаться с отделом обслуживания клиентов по бесплатному белорусскому номеру горячей линии, по телефону в рабочее время, или по электронной почте. К сожалению, мое пробное письмо в поддержку осталось без ответа.

Очевидных общедоступных ресурсов самоподдержки не существует, но возможно, что-то предлагается клиентам после подписки.

Функционал и простота использования

Белтелеком предлагает несколько тарифных планов на виртуальный, выделенный серверный хостинг, VPS и Битрикс. Некоторые основные возможности, включенные в пакет виртуального хостинга, включают:

  • Ежедневное резервное копирование данных на 7 дней
  • Неограниченный FTP-доступ
  • Неограниченный трафик
  • Размер почтового ящика 100 мб по умолчанию

Три уровня подписки на виртуальный хостинг — Хостинг Старт, Хостинг 10 и Хостинг 25 — различаются по дисковому пространству, количеству почтовых ящиков и баз данных MySQL. Тариф Хостинг Старт включает 2 ГБ дискового пространства, 10 почтовых ящиков и 3 БД MySQL;

Для большего пространства и больших ресурсов можно рассмотреть виртуальный сервер на Linux, предлагаемый Белтелекомом, в тариф также входит панель управления, выделенный IP-адрес, неограниченное количество размещаемых сайтов и ежедневные резервные копии, которые хранятся в течение шести дней.

Подписки на VPS 30 и VPS 100 различаются по объему дискового пространства (30 ГБ против 100 ГБ), оперативной памяти (2 ГБ против 8 ГБ) и мощности процессора (2000 МГц против 8000 МГц). Вы можете получить дополнительное дисковое пространство и оперативную память за дополнительную плату, а также подписку на VPS на Windows.

Выделенные серверы оснащены SSD-дисками.

Consider spending $5 on a web developer and save time and frustration

If you’re short on time or just don’t want to deal with any problems that could occur when building a WordPress website, then hiring a professional to build (and, perhaps, maintain) your website could be a better choice.

Hiring a developer sure sounds expensive, but thanks to the rise of Fiverr, you don’t have to spend a small fortune. I just did a quick search on Fiverr for full WordPress website creation and found plenty of professional website designers offering to build your website for as little as $5!

One of the best things about Fiverr is that you can browse examples of a designer’s work to get an idea of whether they’re right for the kind of website you want. Plus, with Fiverr you’re fully protected as Fiverr doesn’t release your payment to the freelancer until you’re satisfied with their work.

Final words

Phew! That’s a lot of information we’ve covered. To sum up, here are a few key takeaways from this guide to building your own website:

Anyone can build a website and it doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner or only have a tiny budget to spend. Have fun creating your website!

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