Скачать Check Host — Check Host — инструмент, предназначенный для мониторинга доступности серверов и…

Скачать Check Host - Check Host - инструмент, предназначенный для мониторинга доступности серверов и... Хостинг

Что показывает проверка сайта

Проверка работоспособности сайта показывает:

Проверка работы сайта онлайн — полезная опция, однако чтобы оперативно быть в курсе неполадок и проблем, стоит подключить инструменты, отслеживающие состояние сайта постоянно. Среди них, например, уведомления в Google Analytics и Яндекс.Метрике или специальные системы мониторинга. Так вы сможете следить не только за состоянием сайта в целом, но и за доступностью отдельных страниц.

Check host

   Check Host предназначена для проверки доступности серверов и сервисов. Утилита производит быстрый и точный мониторинг удаленных узлов путем пингования или соединения посредством протокола TCP/UDP. Приложение станет отличным помощником вебмастерам, которым приходиться постоянно следить за корректной работой нескольких сайтов. Кроме того, можно настроить программу на мониторинг какого-либо любого выбранного IP-адреса.

   Еще интересно то, что в Check Host имеется возможность тонкой настройки метода проверки сервера. К примеру, в арсенале программы есть настройка, позволяющая автоматически менять статус хоста на «Не доступен» или «Снова доступен» и присылать пользователю уведомления. Проще говоря, любое изменение такого статуса не останется вами незамеченным. В свою очередь оповещения можно настроить таким образом, чтобы они появлялись на рабочем столе или автоматически приходили на на ваш электронный ящик. В целом, Check Host достаточно удобна и проста в использовании. Она включает в себя все необходимые для обычного пользователя функции. И последнее — программа распространяется совершенно бесплатно.

  • автоматическое отслеживания серверов и сервисов;
  • позволяет отображать информацию о соединениях;
  • встроенная система помощи;
  • возможность проверки доступности удаленного сервиса несколькими методами;
  • частое обновление программы;
  • удобный, грамотно организованный пользовательский интерфейс.

Difference between website hosting and a domain name registry

We’ve described a way to check website hosting whereabouts for free. But you may wonder how a website hosting is different from a domain name registry. Let’s make it clear.

Evaluating a web hosting company

You’ve managed to find host of website you are interested in and start to dig for information. Should you use it as your hosting provider and whether are you satisfied with the hosting service? There are several key aspects you should pay attention to.

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Free web hosting checker tool special features

So how to discover who is hosting any website? Enter its URL in our hosting checker tool and press ‘Check.’ In a few moments, you’ll get the hosting checker report, featuring the following information:

Hosting checker: the server details

The first part of the hosting checker report tells you who hosts this site or what is your hosting company. The second tab answers the question “Where is this site hosted?”. There you will find its IP address, site’s webserver location (country, city, and region), and name of the organization managing it.

You might wonder why the server location is in the host lookup tool report. The proximity of the webserver is essential as it influences the loading speed. The closer the webserver is to the target audience – the faster the data will transfer. Some web host providers even charge extra for choosing a specific webserver location. To check where a specific IP address is, try our Free IP Checker.

If you want to save the content of any tab of our host checker, you can do it in one click. Copy it to a clipboard to paste elsewhere, download it as a pdf-file, or share it on social media.

How to choose the best web hosting company for your website

Our website host checker can help you to come out with some options for your website. The offers are numerous. The best web hosting companies have few issues with uptime and ensure a fast page loading. Besides, they provide 24/7 customer support, efficiently coping with any problems. And all that comes at a relatively reasonable price.

But which web hosting services are the best for your needs? A student might need something cheap with basic options and, perhaps, monthly plans. For an e-commerce business, reliability and speed matter much more. Entrepreneurs may also pay attention to free domain name offers the availability of the content management systems, such as WordPress.

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We’ve done extensive research for you to make a choice easier. Here are the articles, which may help:

Also, you can check out the full guide: “How To Choose The Best Web Hosting For Your Needs – 8 Types Of Hosting Explained” by Adam Preiser.

Take a good look at those companies and choose an option which suits you. Good luck with finding your ideal web host!

Loading speed

A slow website is as good as down.  No matter which provider you choose, a good website loading speed is a must.

But what does “good” mean? The answer isn’t carved in stone, and it depends on the needs of your business. With time your website may become more complex. So the loading speed will have to keep up.

Want some hard figures? Try our Website Speed Test to find out your site’s response time or the sites you are interested in. Using it in combination with our website host checker, you may get an idea about some providers’ average loading speeds.


Web hosting prices vary greatly. There are some free options, but they almost always come with severe limitations. It’s better to look for some discounted plans, which may cost you even less than $1 a month.

Hosting plans come in all shapes and sizes. Usually, they are structured around hosting types. The cheapest and the most popular one is shared hosting. But sharing webserver resources with many other sites has its disadvantages. VPS hosting or using dedicated servers is more expensive but provides more possibilities for growth.

You should access your needs and decide which option to choose. Keep in mind that higher prices do not always come with more generous benefits. Perhaps, your site doesn’t need an expensive plan with numerous options you won’t ever use.


If you don’t have much experience with web hosting and can’t evaluate the hosting service properly, you’ll need some guidelines. Many providers offer comprehensive knowledge bases with detailed instructions, including video how-to’s.

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Besides, it’s good to know someone can help you 24/7 in case of an emergency. Usually, hosting companies provide around the clock support via various channels, including a live chat or a phone.

Look for the reviews of consumers about customer support before making your choice. Some day you may need their speed and efficiency.


A 99,9% uptime guarantee isn’t something unreasonable to demand from your provider. Each minute of downtime costs you money. And if the web host doesn’t meet the required standards, you should get some compensation to mitigate the loss.

If you are not sure a website is down or it is just problems with your device/internet connection, check it with our Website Down tool. Besides, you can monitor your website’s status, getting notifications as soon as it becomes inaccessible.

Website host checker tool: the web host details

The first tab of our hosting checker helps you to find out who hosts a website. You can see the web hosting company  name in the first row; the DNS provider name is in the last. The tab also includes information about a nameserver and a web server. Let’s see why those two are essential.

Nameservers are a fundamental part of the DNS (Domain Name System). They process queries about the location of a domain name’s services. Nameservers allow using domains instead of IP addresses.

Когда нужно выполнять тест доступности сайта

Если посетитель не может зайти на ваш ресурс, можете проверить доступность сайта онлайн, введя свой домен. В случае каких-либо проблем вы увидите статус «Недоступен» — это значит, что ошибка на стороне сайта, и вам нужно устранить её. Если же сайт доступен, убедитесь, что пользователь правильно вводит адрес страницы, посоветуйте почистить кэш и куки браузера и проверить настройки брандмауэра.

Проверить хостинг сайта онлайн

Для того, чтобы определить на каком хостинге располагается сайт, добавьте в поле адрес сайта и нажмите на Отправить. В течение нескольких секунд вы увидите полную информацию о регистраторе и хостинг-провайдере, который размещает этот сайт у себя.

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