Beget vps mysql

Beget vps mysql Хостинг

Creating database

To create a MySQL database you need to define a Database name, which consisting of (system login)_ (database name) indicated by you, for example begetguide_example. Also you need to create a Password for your connection. You can generate it clicking by

Beget vps mysql

By default the database access is created from the local machine (IP: or localhost). You can also add a database access from a different IP. To do this press the button

next to the respective database. A suggestion to indicate a password for the new database access will then be displayed.

For access to DB from different IP you have to use Host name from Server for external connections in the Connection parameters

Beget vps mysql

Next to each database you will also find three further buttons:

Beget vps mysql

You will also find two buttons next to each access:

— change password;

— delete access.

Connect database to website

If you connect to the database from a remote host, you need to create an appropriate database access and indicate your server name as host in the connection, for example:

host =

You will find your server name on the main page of the Control Panel in the «Technical information», also you can find it at MySQL in the «Connection parameters».

Beget vps mysql

sudo apt update

sudo apt -y upgrade

Сервер Apache2 для сайтов на vps-ubuntu >>

Установка сервера Apache

sudo apt -y install apache2

Изменяем настройки Apache для дальнейшей установки Nginx

Освободив стандартный порт 80 (на любой свободный)

Если вам будет достаточно одного Apache, то эти настройки менять не нужно. Однако, описанная установка SSL подразумевает наличие и сервера Nginx

Откроем конфигурационный файл настройки портов

sudo nano /etc/apache2/ports.conf

В файле изменим параметр «Listen 80» на другой

Остановим стандартный сайт

sudo a2dissite 000-default

Откроем конфигурационный файл стандартного сайта

sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf

В файле изменим порт «80» на наш новый (который объявлен в теге VirtualHost)

Запускаем стандартный сайт

sudo a2ensite 000-default

Открываем порты в браундмандере

sudo ufw allow 8080

sudo ufw allow «Apache Full»

<< Настройка Apache завершена, далее создаем пользователя сайтов, и добавляем сайт на сервер Apache

Добавление пользователя (замените на ваш пароль и имя пользователя)

Создаем нужные каталоги

Настраиваем каталоги

передаем каталог нашему пользователю

sudo chown ИМЯ:www-data -R /var/www/ИМЯ

Читайте также:  Раскройте преимущества Hyper V: простая установка всего за несколько шагов

chmod -R u=rw,g=r,o=r,a+X /var/www/ИМЯ

Добавляем первый сайт на сервер Apache

Создаем конфигурационный файл с расширением .conf

sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/FIRST_SITE. RU.conf

Записываем в конфигурационный файл минимальные настройки

укажите правильно:
1 выбранный порт
2 ваш домен
3 в путях замените на вашего пользователя

Запускаем новый сайт

sudo a2ensite FIRST_SITE. RU

Проверяем синтаксис в файлах .conf (должно быть: . O K)

sudo apachectl -t

sudo systemctl reload apache2

Install php for Apache

sudo apt -y install libapache2-mod-php

Install SSL

sudo apt -y install certbot

Next, install the NGINX server

Installing the latest NGINX server, tools first:

sudo apt install curl

sudo apt install gnupg2

sudo apt install ca-certificates

sudo apt install lsb-release

enable stable version repository

or connect the repository of the main version

import the official key

curl -o /tmp/nginx_signing.key

you can check the key (in response you will receive a string of capital characters)

gpg —dry-run —quiet —import —import-options import-show /tmp/nginx_signing.key

transfer the key to the trusted list

sudo mv /tmp/nginx_signing.key /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/nginx_signing.asc

sudo apt install nginx

In the latest version, the configuration differs from the older version, there are no sites-available and sites-enabled directories, we will create them manually

sudo mkdir /etc/nginx/sites-available

sudo mkdir /etc/nginx/sites-enabled

sudo nano /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

Nginx server installed and configured.

sudo apt -y install php-fpm

(here it is desirable to have a separate «run.sock» interpreter for each domain)

Transfer sites from Apache to identify them on the standard port 80

Let’s create a configuration file

sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/apache.conf

we write in it

! here:
1 list domains that are powered by Apache
2 specify the ip of your vps server
3 specify the port set for Apache

Create a symbolic link to the ./sites-enabled/ directory.

sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/apache.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/apache.conf

Add site to NGINX server

sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/SECOND_SITE. EN.conf

Let’s create a configuration file with minimal settings

specify correctly:
1 your domain
2 in the paths replace with your user

fastcgi_index index.php;
try_files $uri $uri/ =404;
fastcgi_pass unix:/run/php/php7.4-fpm.sock;
include fastcgi_params;

fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;

sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/SECOND_SITE. EN.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/SECOND_SITE. EN.conf

check the syntax of nginx .conf files

(There are two lines in the answer, the first should end with .is ok

the second must end with .is successful)

sudo nginx -t;

sudo systemctl reload nginx

Install the required module

sudo apt -y install python3-certbot-nginx

Requesting encryption for a domain

Attention! on the first request there will be 3 setup questions:
1 — specify the email to which notifications will be sent (Enter your email and press «Enter»)
2 — Do you accept the terms (press «A» and «Enter»)
3 — Whether to send you alerts (press «N» or «Y» key, press «Enter»)

sudo certbot certonly —nginx -d SECOND_SITE. RU -d www. SECOND_SITE. EN

At the end you can see where the ssl config files were placed

Next, in nginx, you need to create a configuration file for the ssl port

sudo nano /etc/nginx/conf.d/domain-zone-ssl.conf

write the minimum settings into it

Restarting the nginx server

sudo systemctl restart nginx

site SECOND_SITE. RU must be opened in a browser using the https:// protocol

Читайте также:  Greenhost

Database installation

Installing accessory tools

sudo apt -y install mysql-server

sudo apt install mysql-client

sudo apt -y install php-mbstring

or any of your websites

if you see an error on the /phpmyamdin page (screenshot) restart the server

and reconnect to the ssh terminal

Creating a database user

sudo mysql -u root -p

create a user in mysql mode and assign privileges (don’t forget to put a semicolon «;» at the end of sql commands)

to enter from mysql mode, hold down the combination Ctrl + Z

Importing large databases via ssh terminal

Enter mysql mode (you will need to enter a password)

Choose a database

start import from a file on the server

exit mysql mode with Ctrl + Z

FTP Server Installation

sudo apt install vsftpd

sudo systemctl enable vsftpd

open the configuration file in the editor

sudo nano /etc/vsftpd.conf

set the following parameters: (change the values ​​and add the missing ones)

sudo systemctl restart vsftpd

open a file in which we specify ftp-users

register our user

add the necessary ports to the firewall

sudo ufw allow 20/tcp

sudo ufw allow 21/tcp

sudo ufw allow OpenSSH

sudo ufw allow 990/tcp

sudo ufw allow 40000:50000/tcp

sudo ufw disable

Turn on (you need to specify «y» and press «Enter»)

sudo ufw enable

Mail server

Installation of utilities and programs

sudo apt -y install mailutils

sudo apt -y install exim4

sudo dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config

sudo systemctl restart exim4

encryption of emails with exim4

Go to the big configuration file and:

before «.ifdef MAIN_TLS_ENABLE» parameter

add line MAIN_TLS_ENABLE = yes

(this can be found around line 300)

sudo nano /etc/exim4/exim4.conf.template

sudo apt -y install opendkim

sudo apt -y install opendkim-tools

Create a catalog for keys

go to the catalog of keys

generate a key for the domain

openssl genrsa -out SECOND_SITE. RU.key 1024

make a public key

openssl rsa -pubout -in SECOND_SITE. RU.key -out SECOND_SITE. RU.public

grant rights to all keys

chown -R Debian-exim:Debian-exim /etc/exim4/dkim

Change time zone

On the example of Beget hosting, using Git bash or PowerShell

1! Registering an account and creating a new server

2. Connecting to the server via SSH

$ ssh-keyscan -t rsa server_ip

Commands for restarting Nginx, MySQL, PHP-FPM services

Use the following commands to restart services:

Updating and installing additional applications (modules)

You must use sudo to execute commands with superuser privileges.

Checking the operation of nginx

Read more about setting up and see (from about 15:40).

MySQL database installation (LEMP already contains it)

Deploy (deploy) applications on NodeJS + Express + MySQL

SSL certificate installation (Nginx + Ubuntu)

Install certbot (manual) to automatically renew Let’sEncrypt certificates.

Post navigation

Today we will talk about working with the mysql database, using Beget hosting as an example.

What is MySQL

MySQL is a database management system from Oracle Corporation, under the GNU General Public License. Included in AppServ, WAMP, LAMP servers and portable builds of XAMPP servers, Denver. The flexibility of MySQL is provided by supporting a large number of table types: MyISAM, InnoDB, EXAMPLE and others. In this regard, most cms developers use MySQL, and for many novice webmasters at the first stages of site building, the question arises of how to create a database.

Читайте также:  Освоение входа в систему администратора Modx: советы и подсказки экспертов

Creating a MySQL database and a user for it on the example of Beget hosting

Beget vps mysql

and get to the page “MySQL database management”,

Beget vps mysql

on this page fill in the Database Name and Username and Password to the database (an administrator for the database is created automatically — he will have the same name as the database and the same password) well, that’s basically all)

Attention, be sure to write down the password from the database data.

Where can I set up a connection to MySQL in my CMS

List of main CMS with paths to their configuration files, which contain details for connecting to the database.

Web designer and SEO optimizer. I have been creating websites since 2010 and promoting them since 2012!

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Fellow site builders may immediately object — why create a database with pens at all, if WordPress can be installed with a couple of mouse clicks in the hosting control panel, for example, Beget. By the way, you can read about it in our article How to install WordPress from the Beget hosting panel

To which I will answer that if you want to become a real website builder, then you just need to know how to create a database yourself or upload files to hosting via FTP. So let’s learn to do everything with our own hands.

Video tutorial on how to create a MySQL database on Beget hosting

You can watch a short video instruction or use its text version.

Step by step instruction in pictures how to create a MySQL database.

We go to the control panel of our hosting Beget. If you use the services of another host, then the process of creating a database is similar there.

Beget vps mysql

Press Base Management

Adding the end of the database. For other hosts, you may have to come up with the name of the base entirely on your own, for Beget, it is enough to attribute the tip after the underscore following the name of your account.

I am adding the letters db — data base, you can come up with your own.

Then we write the password to the database.

Beget vps mysql

And click Add. That’s it, your database has been created.

Attention! Be sure to write down somewhere the name of the created database, password and username. I draw your attention to the fact that Beget has a username, that is, the name of the creator (aka administrator) is the same as the name of the database, which is quite convenient.

Beget vps mysql

If you have any questions after reading this article, feel free to ask me in private messages on VKontakte

By the way, would you like to read what a landing site is? You can also learn how to create a business card website with your own hands.

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